COVID press briefing 8th September 2020 – English regions

This briefing was called to advise that regions of England has gone on the Group B watchlist and it was likely that they would move into Group A on 14th September. Here are the slides from the presentation I gave with Dr Brink.

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COVID press briefing 28th August 2020 -Phase 5c

This briefing was called to advise the community about what Phase 5c would like. In effect, it meant that we would retain Group A, B and C countries. Group A countries are those with a prevalence rate of over 30 in 100,000. Group B I where prevalence less than that…

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COVID press briefing 24th July 2020

I made the following statement at the press briefing on 24th July which was designed to give clarity to a number of issues. I am keeping my update relatively short and sweet today as we have a bigger panel than normal. Firstly, you may have seen the front page of…

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COVID press briefing 10th July 2020

I made the following statement at the press briefing on 10th July 2020. OK so you’ve heard about the plan to move to phase 6, how we will shortly be introducing business tunnels and looking to extend our air bridges. I’d just like to talk about one final change that…

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Revive and Thrive

I made the following speech during debate on the Revive and Thrive Recovery Plan debated in July 2020. Sir, It is only because of the sacrifices made by Islanders over the last few months that we are now able to focus on recovery. And Do it. Not just talk about…

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COVID press briefing 5th June 2020

I made the following statement at the press briefing on 5th June. We are now a week into Phase 4, we’ve had no new positive cases.  It’s therefore understandable that some of you may be asking why we just don’t move to phase 5 now.  In responding to that I…

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COVID press briefing 29th May 2020 – Phase 4 details

This is the statement I made at the press briefing on 29th May, setting out details of Phase 4. Determining what Phase 4 meant was quite difficult. Considerations over how we dealt with household bubbles, which businesses could open fully or with conditions, and at the same time trying to…

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