Public Service Reform

Government can, and must, work smarter. In the last 4 years I have seen where the States could operate in a more business-like manner and make better use of new ways of working.

Value for money is essential. That means getting the balance right between quality, need and cost.

Accountability is essential. Government needs to demonstrate that it is being effective through measuring what it is doing and telling the public how it is performing.

The new Committee for Health and Social Care will have a crucial role in making public service reform a success. I am committed to ensuring that it embraces the change that is essential for a sustainable service.


What I’ve been doing…….

As Chair of the Public Accounts Committee, I have championed the importance of value for money and am pleased it plays a core part in public service reform.

The Committee’s review of the Financial Transformation Programme has helped inform Government and recommendations have been understood and acted upon. It is important that this continues.

I have pushed for greater financial transparency and accountability and, in particular, the need to ensure the States produce accounts in accordance with internationally recognised accounting standards. I laid a successful amendment to ensure that work began on this in 2016.

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