Transforming Secondary Education – Community Hub

An amendment was laid by the Policy & Resources Committee to the policy letter brought by the Committee for Education, Sport & Culture on moving forward the development of a community hub. This has been an area of intense frustration as various sites suggested have not been able to be…

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Education – health & wellbeing

I made this speech when laying an amendment to the secondary education policy letter to ensure health and wellbeing was considered was considered in educational transformation. Sir, I will be brief. This second amendment again reflects the necessity of a close working relationship between HSc and ESC to meet the…

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Institute of Health & Social Care

I made this speech when laying an amendment to the secondary education policy letter to ensure that a proper review was undertaken of the Institute to ensure that we maximised its benefit. Sir this is the first of 2 amendments I am laying on behalf of the Committee for Health…

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Secondary education – 2 v 3 schools

I made this speech in the debate over the different secondary school models. Just to remind anyone reading my speeches, that I post what I have written in advance, but these can change as a result of debate. In this instance, there was a concluding paragraph, which is available from…

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Eleven Plus and selection

I made this speech in the November 2016 debate on selection. Sir, Declaration of interest. LC Governor – very proud to be so given the latest ISI Inspection report that rated it excellent in all categories. Also pleased that Post 16 team not only beat Elizabeth College but was the…

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Policy for Gifted and Talented Children

I laid a successful amendment to the Education Department’s report on Secondary Education in March 2016. My speech is below. Sir, I did think I heard a collective groqn that another amendment would be laid but hopefully this won’t be a mammoth debate as I believe the Education Department will…

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One schools 4 Sites v 3 Schools

Following the decision of the States to end the 11+ at the March 2016 States’ meeting, attention turned to the number of sites that should be retained. The choice was between the Education Department’s preferred model of one school across four sites, with the concept of a ‘hard’ federation, versus…

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Secondary Education Report – 11 Plus

Probably one of the most divisive subjects that we have had to debate this term. It formed part of the Education Department’s policy letter proposals for secondary education. I thought it a very disappointing report with little in the way of evidence or desired outcomes. Financial information was sparse and…

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Children and Young People’s Plan

I made the following speech at the February 2016 States meeting. Sir, so here we have it, another strategy, but one that has an integral part to play in the transformation of HSSD. As the Plan makes it clear, it is just part, although an incredibly important part, of a…

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La Mare de Carteret – Education amendment

Following the defeat of the Bebb amendment, T&R proposed an amendment seeking to reduce the number of secondary schools. However, discussions were continuing during the States’ session and this ultimately led to the withdrawal of the T&R amendment and the replacement with one from the Education Department that had been…

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