GDPR – again

Another speech on data protection. This one regarding an amendment I managed to get the Committee for Home Affairs to make regarding the exposure of Deputies, acting in a capacity outside of a Committee role. I should like to thank HMC and President for listening to my concerns which has…

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Population Management

I wrote this speech during debate on changes to the new population management regime. Sir, Deputy Ferbrache, whilst focusing on the hospitality industry and what sounded like his recommended alternative pub crawl, did say that the care sector has been affected by the new regime and indeed I have had…

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Population management

I made this speech in general debate on the new population management regime. Sir, the new Law is not perfect. The current Law is not perfect. There never will be a perfect system. It does beg the question, as Deputy Yerby has already done, do we really need a law…

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Population – seasonal workers

I made this speech in the States on an amendment I seconded to provide more support for seasonal workers. There’s been a lot of noise around the introduction of this law reaching a crescendo in the last few weeks. All of a sudden people have come out of the woodwork…

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Population – birthright

I made the following speech in the States supporting the birthright aspects in the Population Management Law. I have to say I have felt very uncomfortable about some of the comments made so far in this debate. Saying that people should hold their heads in shame is really unnecessary and…

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Population Management

I made the following speech in support of the Population Management Group’s proposals in July 2014. Sir, I would just like to say that I think the Population Group have done an excellent job. They have listened and dealt with the major concerns expressed since the original propositions were agreed…

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My amendment to Population Management Regime

I was delighted to have my amendment accepted by the States on 27 June. Below you will find a copy of my speech explaining why it was needed. Sir, The effect of this amendment is quite straightforward, although it may not appear so at first glance. The purpose is to…

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