As a small island, surrounded by the power of nature, Guernsey is ideally placed to make the most use of renewable energy. Alderney has stolen a march on us and Guernsey now needs to catch up. We have the ability to set an example to the rest of the world with a sustainable energy system that will make us more independent and reduce costs.
The demand for electricity has grown by 30% over the past 10 years, with the commercial sector growing faster so that it now makes up 55% of usage. This growth has come from the number of data centres that have been built on the Island. As individuals we are using increasing amounts of energy for domestic heating. We are dependent for most of this energy from France, primarily through nuclear power generation and from one single cable. The remaining electricity is generated from a fossil fuel plant on Guernsey to meet times of peak demand.
I want to see Guernsey be pro-active in pursuing renewable energy options before it is too late.