I wrote this speech during debate on changes to the new population management regime.
Sir, Deputy Ferbrache, whilst focusing on the hospitality industry and what sounded like his recommended alternative pub crawl, did say that the care sector has been affected by the new regime and indeed I have had representations from that sector about the impact of the current system.
I think it is fair to say the Care sector is under-represented on the Population Employment Advisory Panel. At present it falls under the public sector, represented by a public sector employee and it is my view that consideration needs to be given to there being a separate representative for health and care. The demand for care support is going to increase over the coming years and the importance of this sector is only going to grow.
Now This may well become easier to arrange under the proposed Partnership of Purpose, with the coming together of public, private and third sectors in health and care delivery, which can provide one voice for that sector and I would welcome discussions with Home Affairs in the future.
In terms of the propositions before us, I do support propositions 3 and 4, which goes a bit further than my amendment in the last term, without which, I should add the short term permits would’ve been even more inflexible than they are now. But the position back then was very different from that of the Committee for Home Affairs is now, which Deputy Mark Dorey has highlighted. I welcome the change as it considers the likelihood of the risk, which previously was one of zero-tolerance.
However, I do not think propositions 3 and 4 go far enough, particularly for the care sector, where continuity is crucial and the 9m on 3m off scenario is not relevant. I am therefore tempted to support propositions 5 and 6.
However, I hear Deputy Leadbeater rightly speak about human rights issues and I am scratching my head over how someone on a short term permit can keep on coming back for as many years as they like whereas someone on a medium term permit has to go after 5.
I agree with Deputy Ferbrache that the NEW regime is past its sell by date. But the question is should we change it without understanding the consequences.
I am genuinely in 2 minds on propositions 5 and 6 but I think what will persuade me is to receive assurances that the review will be thorough and take into account the state of the economy right now as I really don’t think the issue will be resolved whether we approve propositions 5 and 6 or not.