GDPR – Health data

Speech I made on an amendment to ensure health data considered appropriately. The privacy and security of patient data must be paramount. Health and care services need users to disclose personal and sensitive data and this is only possible if islanders trust that such information will remain confidential and is…

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Education – health & wellbeing

I made this speech when laying an amendment to the secondary education policy letter to ensure health and wellbeing was considered was considered in educational transformation. Sir, I will be brief. This second amendment again reflects the necessity of a close working relationship between HSc and ESC to meet the…

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Institute of Health & Social Care

I made this speech when laying an amendment to the secondary education policy letter to ensure that a proper review was undertaken of the Institute to ensure that we maximised its benefit. Sir this is the first of 2 amendments I am laying on behalf of the Committee for Health…

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Secondary education – 2 v 3 schools

I made this speech in the debate over the different secondary school models. Just to remind anyone reading my speeches, that I post what I have written in advance, but these can change as a result of debate. In this instance, there was a concluding paragraph, which is available from…

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President’s Statement December 2017

Sir, my statement today is intended to update members and the community generally on what has been happening in Health and Social Care since my last statement and our plans for the coming months. I apologise in advance that, because we have managed to get our policy letter on the…

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GDPR – again

Another speech on data protection. This one regarding an amendment I managed to get the Committee for Home Affairs to make regarding the exposure of Deputies, acting in a capacity outside of a Committee role. I should like to thank HMC and President for listening to my concerns which has…

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Population Management

I wrote this speech during debate on changes to the new population management regime. Sir, Deputy Ferbrache, whilst focusing on the hospitality industry and what sounded like his recommended alternative pub crawl, did say that the care sector has been affected by the new regime and indeed I have had…

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Fair Trade

I made this speech as part of the debate on the Overseas Aid Development Commission Annual Report. Fair Trade is close to my heart, having had a Fair Trade business for many years and my husband being a member of the Fair-trade Steering Group for over a decade. Sir, I…

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Overseas Aid

I made this speech against an amendment which basically said we should forget about overseas aid. Sir,   This amendment disappoints and saddens me.  And that’s because, although wrapped up in what sounds like a warm and cosy consultation exercise, what it really means if we support this amendment is that…

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Budget 2018

Here is the speech I made in the States about the 2018 Budget. Sir, I will speak firstly on the budget so far as it relates to the Committee for Health & Social Care and then in a personal capacity. Firstly I thank P&R for their appreciation in this report…

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