Waste Strategy – Question to PSD Minister

In April 2015 the PSD Minister advised the States that the department was not now going to introduce an in-vessel composter due to the costs being prohibitive. I asked the following question of the Minister. His reply is given below. Although the ‘Love Food Hate Waste’ campaign has been very good, I do believe that we need more than UK adverts superimposed on Guernsey to reduce the amount of unnecessary waste. Focus should be on educating people about the fact BOGOFs are not always the bargain they appear to be and to translate the wasted food into monetary values.


I would like to ask the PSD Minister, in light of this disappointing news and given the high
amount of food waste that comprises waste that is thrown out, what extra initiatives are his
Department planning to undertake to reduce the amount of food waste in the first place?
We do have a ‘Love Food, Hate Waste’ campaign which is specifically designed to target food waste. That will be continuing. We will, as the process unfolds, look at other measures that we can to ensure the amount of food waste which arrives in our black bag is minimised as we do with other waste streams as well.

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