Extra Care Housing

I spoke on the proposals to support the phase 2 of the development of Extra Care housing in March 2014. The purpose was to emphasise the need to focus not on processes, but outcomes.

Sir,  I believe this report is well written and totally understand that moving directly from one phase to the other without delay, makes logical sense from a cost point of view. The case for voting for the propositions is also strengthened by the excellent track record of the Guernsey Housing Association.

On the above basis I am happy to support the report. However, I would just like to raise a general point in relation to the level of financial information we should reasonably expect in order to make an informed decision in this Assembly. It is often the case, as in this report, that the costs are well documented and understood in monetary terms. This is understandable given it is the costs we are asked to approve to enable a capital project to progress. However, ongoing financial savings as a consequence of a project are less well understood.

And we have an example here. Whilst the word significant is used 6 times in the report to state the level of recurring benefits and savings that will arise, nowhere are these significant savings or benefits quantified.

In this instance, a particular problem in stating that evidence from other jurisdictions is that extra care housing is cheaper than residential care and that housing those with a learning disability and those currently in off-island placements will lead to significant savings is that these assumptions are based on numerous factors that have not been analysed.

We are provided with capital cost figures and usually the qualitative ongoing benefits, such as in this case, the advantages of extra care housing for those with a learning disability, but we are frequently being asked to make decisions where the financial benefits aren’t quantified. As such, we do not have the full picture.

So, whilst it is pretty clear what will be saved by moving from one phase to another without delay, and on that basis I support this report, I would urge all Departments, when submitting reports to this Assembly to centre their financial analysis less on the processes and focus more on the outcomes.


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