Accountability and FTP

Below is the speech I made in the January 2013 States’ meeting in support of Deputy Fallaize’s amendment, which I seconded, to ensure lines of accountability in relation to FTP were clearer.

Sir, Deputy Fallaize has already made it abundantly clear how vague and woolly accountability is in terms of the FTP and it’s not the only part of the States of Guernsey where this is the case.

Only yesterday we had the Chief Minister making a statement about the reporting lines of the Chief Officers – who appear to be accountable to both their Boards and Chief Executive. We also have a situation where the finance staff in each Department have a reporting line to the States Treasurer, as well as, presumably, the Chief Officer of their Department.

Even those of us who are not particularly religious understand the meaning behind  Matthew Chapter6 verse 24.

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

And that’s even before we start talking about political versus operational accountability.

It does seem that accountability in the States of Guernsey is a bit like musical chairs and the person accountable is the one still standing when the music stops. It’s perhaps no wonder that the question of accountability has been discussed frequently by the Public Accounts Committee.


It is for that reason I second this amendment.

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