Public Accounts Committee Legacy Report

On the last day of the last States meeting of the 21012-2016 term I presented the legacy report of the Public Accounts Committee. I have been proud and honoured to represent the Committee for 4 years and believe it is in a better place than at the start of the…

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Increasing the Powers and Resources of Scrutiny

The Public Accounts Committee and Scrutiny Committee laid a joint policy letter to the States at the February States meeting. This was very important to me as I had wanted to increase the powers and resources of the scrutiny function before I was elected and everything I have witnessed since I…

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SRC – 3rd Policy Letter – SMC powers

I was delighted that an amendment I laid against the policy letter, seeking to extend the powers of the new Scrutiny Management Committee to agents of government, was approved in November. This will definitely strengthen scrutiny in the next term. My speech is below. Sir, In a nutshell this amendment…

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SRC – 3rd Policy Letter – annual uprating report

My third successful amendment against the SRC report set the same restrictions on amendments to the SSD annual uprating report as the budget. My speech is below. Sir, a minor amendment, but it is important nevertheless. Basically this requires that amendments to the annual uprating report have to follow the…

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SRC 3rd Policy Letter – States’ accounts

I laid a successful amendment against the policy letter to ensure that specific time is set aside every year to debate the States’ accounts. My speech is below. Sir, I think it would be useful to clarify the effect of this amendment. It is not to set aside a whole…

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Public Sector Reform – PAC comment

I made the following speech on behalf of the Public Accounts Committee during the debate on public sector reform in September 2015. Sir, I will begin by speaking on behalf of the Public Accounts Committee and then I have a few comments speaking on my own behalf. Sir, on behalf…

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States of Guernsey Accounts 2014

Below is the speech I made on behalf of the Public Accounts Committee in September 2015. Sir, speaking on behalf of the Public Accounts Committee, I would like to state up front that whilst the Committee does have a query surrounding the numbers, from the Committee’s perspective a big issue…

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SRC Second Policy Letter – amendment 2

My second successful amendment related to the introduction of recognised accounting standards and making T&R to action what they had already been instructed to do. This is a subject I have raised several times in the States and I set out my speech below. Sir, I take members back to…

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SRC Second Policy Letter – amendment 1

I laid a successful amendment against the policy letter that meant that, instead of delaying a review of the power and resources required by the new Scrutiny Management Committee until its formation in May 2016, that this should be done by the current scrutiny committees. My speech is below. Sir, Whilst I…

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FTP – end of programme report

The States debated the FTP following it’s closure in October 2014. This followed the PAC’s review as per my earlier post.  My speech during the debate is set out below. Sir, on behalf of the Public Accounts Committee, I would firstly like to pay tribute to all those across the…

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